Fight Club
For our first movie we chose The Matrix, but since that is so huge we're going with 'Fight Club.' Brad Pitt and Edward Norton star in this Chuck Palahniuk adaptation.
On the surface it's a movie about two guys who spawn a revolutionary therapy that inevitably turns into a cult. In actuality it is much more going on. I submit it all pertains to a struggle of lifestyle and purpose. -- Books
the thelosopher said...
this is 1/2 of film philos duo. I won't waste time so i'll get right to it. our first dialytic is on the movie "Fight club" which i view as having many layers of meaning that can be pealed off to go deeper. On the surface its about two people whose friendship is based on the pleasure principle and circumstance. Neither of which is sustainable. Because if scenerios change and/or the activity they have in common no longer supplies amusement, the friendship ends. And in this case with explosive results. But right near the end you realize the true nature of the relationship between our two protagonists. Thus i submit the Fruedian 3-layered psyche ie. id, ego, superego as the prevailing theme. The battle for the mind of tyler durdan(tyler having two sides brad pitt-id/edward norton-ego) is joined by Marla(helena bohnam carter)-superego, the love interest, which now makes the trinity. books, what up?
6:23 PM